Wowee! Zooweemama! What a month February turned out to be. The second month of 2020Thrive is over and my goly gosh it was a good one, fuck yeah!
Over Overtime
I've been doing 50 hour weeks all year and it's finally finished now. I got that bag and now I can return to my 4 day work weeks and free weekends. It was worth it, and I’m genuinely impressed I still managed to achieve so much while working so much, each and every day. More time for projects again!
I stopped working on the notes app using Godot because it’s just not built for what I want to make. Instead, I’m picking up web development and going to use tauri to build an app. I'm learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Not jumping straight into a notes app though, too big for my first project, so instead I’m making a DND inventory and notes taking UI because my DM complains I don't make any notes and lose track of my characters stuff too easily. In just a few days I’ve gone from minimal knowledge to a nice table, adding and removing rows, and sorting out the layout for all the divs. Learning how to read in files and save them is the next step. Coming along quickly!
All work and no games makes Jack a dull boy …
Residential Evil was excellent, I’m a true believer now. First one was amazing, the second one was excellenter, and I played the first few minutes of the 4th one (remake) and oh my lord it’s gorgeous and amazing, I’m in for a treat. I've also played some minecraft, got back into helldivers again, revisited vintage story, and picked up the abiotic factor with a friend - actually he's the DM who’s mad at me for not making notes. Also weekly DND curse of Strahd. Sooooooo good. My character ricky the rat slew Izaak in a few turns, dealing 80+ damage to him in 2 turns at level 6 was crazy cool, amazing rolls. I then cut his arm off, severed my own, and now I don a demon arm which has its own southern drawl and tries to tempt me to do bad. I listen to it a lot. A friend referred to it as Arm Kench because of the Louisiana swamp vibes, and it's stuck fast.
Who trains the trainers?
This week has been exhausting because I’ve been in the office training 7 new hires. That meme of accidentally becoming important at your job has been searing itself into my grey goo. It was once grey matter but after this week, all the training and wisdom I’ve had to impart with, my brain melted into mush. Still , it was nice to do something nice, regardless of how much it took out of me. On Friday I was back to working from home, and I foolishly thought it was over, but I spent the entire time answering emails, messages, and calls from the trainees. I revelled in my first free weekend of the year.
Got wood?
I *deep breath* FINALLY pulled my finger out and did some woodworking again. This month I WILL have a goddamn fucking coffee table made. First I’m putting together a workbench which I thought would only take a few hours but as im having to make it on the floor its taking significantly longer. Half done, one more showdown and it’ll be done, and I can start work on the coffee table.
General Notes o7
Phone busted, need a new phone. Thinking of getting a new sim too, a phone number to call my own, not handed down through generations. It was an S20, so I’m eyeing up an S23, maybe S24, but who knows? These shits expensive.
Jonesy, my cat, continues to be the light of my life.
I keep adding more and more notes in my little notebook, slowly building up a habit of observing and noting.