February is shaping up to be a terrific month
The Bois are Back in Town
My friends from college came up (and down) and we spent saturday in a board game cafe, then moved to an arcade bar, then a normal bar, then finally we went our separate ways. It was an amazing time and the sting of saying goodbye has reminded me to go out more and be with my friends, I have been too aloof for too long. Love those guys <3
Creation of Game Chub
Following on from seeing my old friends, we all talked about some of the interesting games we were playing which prompted me to ask if everyone wanted to do a game club. Our first game is gonna be Rainworld, hopefully it's good. We’ll talk about it on the last Friday of the month, the 28th. Exciting.
Resi 2 Review
Just a quick one, it was nice to get some thoughts and ideas down. It felt good to pick up this hobby again, and it has already reinvigorated my desire to play games. I haven’t played a single competitive game all year so far, and I don’t really want to either. I’m not far off finishing the first resident evil already, and I’m looking forward to talking about it.
Three Godot Mini Projects
I am currently working on a note taking app and I’m using Godot to build it. It’s 100% not the best software to use to build such an app, but I want to make other things in Godot too so this is also serving as a way to familiarise myself with the engine. I haven’t created three mini projects though, I have however expanded the functionality of one small project several times. For one week in my spare time, progress has been quick and so far I’ve got something which can open and edit text files, make new ones, and has a ‘note card’ function where you can quickly create small notes along with the ability to create and select tags for those notes, and write down the notes inspiration. It’s coming along. Now I need to start thinking about how I will display the notes for the user, and what the user can do with them. And also being able to sort by tags etc. I find this very fun
Simple Workbench Design
Nothing fancy, just a few studs in a box frame and some mdf, with a shelf for my table saw. I’ll get the material from Wickes in the week and build it, maybe wednesday. Looking forward to it, hopefully I don't put it off
Creatine Kicking In
Less something I have achieved and more just something important I want to highlight. I’ve been taking creatine for a few weeks now and I feel amazing. I work better, faster, more focused. I’ve been doing amazing at work, really have a handle on all my work load, and finding the energy to work on my own projects without feeling exhausted. Highly recommend it.